Employee data file

The Employees tab https://app.gsignature.com/employees allows you to manage employee data, export a list of employees with data, import missing data, filter and exclude addresses from the signature management system, and send email notifications to addresses using signature management.

Filtering is possible by the name of the installed signature and the status of who currently has the e-mail signature set or to whom it has not yet been installed. In addition, you can filter which addresses are excluded from e-mail signatures or not.

Download report” - with this function, we receive the entire employee records in the form of a CSV file.
Open the import wizard” - allows you to independently import employee data directly into the gSignature application from a CSV file.

"Excluded from e-mail signatures") marking this status excludes the address from the central signature broadcasting system and from the paid subscription. You can also mark or unmark this status on the employee's file.

IMPORTANT! BEFORE THE FIRST INSTALLATION OF THE STOPS recommends that you mark people who will not use the stops because once the signature is installed, it is no longer possible to use the exclusion. The system for managing signatures has already been used on a given account. "Send a message to employees". - allows you to send a message to everyone in the domain. The email will be sent to all users except the excluded ones. 

With this feature, we can notify employees about the system being implemented to manage their signatures and the option to edit their data themselves (if the administrator has given permission)

Here is our Tour on Managin Data Employees:

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