Become our partner

Offer your customers additional value with a system for organizing employee information and professionally managing company e-mail signatures.

gSignature enables us to deliver more value to our customers. With gSignature, we are able to increase revenue per customer and strengthen loyalty.

Mateusz Duiwe

Chief Revenue Officer at FOTC

Our ideal partner?

The customer comes first! If this is also your motto - you are the perfect partner for us. Who do we work with? We work with partners who value Google's professional tools as much as we do, primarily Google Workspace.What are the characteristics of an ideal partner:

Actively sells Google Workspace or possibly Google Cloud Platform software

Maintains a portfolio of contacts with medium to large size clients over 100 Google Workspace positions per company.

It has a well-developed sales and customer service department working together for the success of customers in the use of professional Google tools.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

If you do not know the answer to your question, please contact us

Partner channel
How to become a partner of gSignature?

If you have clients with more than 100 Google Workspace positions in your portfolio - apply by filling out this form. An affiliate channel supervisor will contact you. He will offer an introductory meeting and present the terms and documents of the partnership agreement. Once you sign a partnership agreement, we start working together and you can actively sell gSignature to your customers. 

What does a gSignature partner earn?

Partners make money in several ways. The most important is regular revenue in the form of 30% from subscriptions sold. The partner can also provide in-house services to configure and implement the system as well as prepare signature templates. There are also partners who place gSignature system care within higher technical support packages. 

Do you have to sign a partnership agreement to become a partner?

Yes, the partnership agreement is mandatory and signed by both parties through the DocuSign electronic signature system.

Can I sell the system under my own brand, or do you offer a white label model?

Unfortunately no, our system is sold under one brand gSignature for all customers and by all partners

How are system accesses sold by a partner accounted for?

Each access to the system sold by a partner is visible in their partner account, where the number of all customer accounts in Google Workspace and the number of active accounts in gSignature are shown. At the end of each month, the active gSignature accounts used by the partner's customers are counted. Based on this number, the partner invoices its customers in full, for subscriptions. At the same time, gSignature also invoices the Partner for the margins from the gSignature accesses sold.

What is the payment term to gSignature - for access to the platform and what is the billing cycle?

The payment term for invoices issued from gSignature to a partner is 30 days, and billing cycles are monthly.

Enrich your offering to customers using Google Workspace