Frequently asked questions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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Help - Using the app
Can the employee set the e-mail signature on his own?

Employees have that opportunity. You, as the administrator of the application, decide whether they should have access to such an option and to what extent, e.g. whether they can also update their data such as phone number, position, profile picture, etc.

What data is automatically synchronized between GW and the application?

By default, these are: name, surname, email address, as well as work phone, mobile phone, position and department.

Are there any restrictions on characters in the e-mail signature?

Yes, the Gmail API allows you to upload e-mail signatures that are no more than 10,000 characters long.

Can I delete an employee account in gSignature?

Directly in gSignature no, because the status of accounts is downloaded from Google Workspace automatically. If the account is deleted in GW it will automatically be removed from gSignature, thus also from the paid subscription.

What if I don't have my completed data in Google Workspace?

If, in addition to your name, surname and email address, you need to add additional information such as your job or phone number or other data that is not in Google Workspace, you can do so in 3 ways. The first is to complete the data in GW, however, you must have the automatic synchronization option enabled in “Settings” — Advanced so that the data is automatically saved in the application. The second way is to edit the employee file directly in the “Employees” tab and save this data at the gSignature level. The third fastest way is to export the synchronized data in the “Employees” tab — the “Download report” function saves it to a CSV file, then fill in the necessary data and import the file saved in this way as CSV using the CSV import function in the “Employees” tab. You can also import your own CSV file with your data, keeping in mind that the column names correspond to those used for dynamic variables.

Is it possible to add more administrators?

Yes, you can add additional administrators, after logging into the application in the “Admins” tab, you must enter the email address of the person to whom you want to grant permissions.

Can an employee edit their data on their own?

Yeah, if the administrator gives his consent, after logging into the application, in the “My Account” tab, he has the opportunity to independently edit his data.

I have multiple domains, they will also be included in gSignature?

Yes, all you have to do is report the full names of additional domains to us and they will also be visible in gSignature.

Can I reinstall signatures to excluded addresses?

Yes, if we have excluded an employee in the gSignature application, we can unlock signature installations at any time, for example in 3 weeks we want him to use the application, then there is such a possibility. However, keep in mind that once a signature is installed from within the application, it is no longer possible to exclude - which is why it is so important to determine who is excluded before you install signatures for the first time.

What does an address excluded from e-mail signature mean in gSignature?

An address excluded from e-mail signatures, or more specifically from central signature management, is an address retrieved from Google Workspace that will not receive signatures issued by gSignature. These are most often technical addresses. The address excluded from the e-mail signature is also an address excluded from the subscription, so you can reduce the consumption costs of the gSignature system.

What addresses and when can be excluded from e-mail signatures?

Any addresses can be excluded as long as there is no signature installed on them. The exclusion is worth doing at the very beginning, when we have not yet installed an e-mail signature for anyone, for example, excluding technical addresses. Most often, an exclusion is performed to reduce costs because excluded addresses do not count towards a paid subscription. However, addresses cannot be excluded when they already have a signature installed.

Can I have multiple e-mail signatures on my email address?

Unfortunately, only one project, at the same time on one address, but you can have different signatures on different email aliases.

Does the app set signatures automatically in Outlook?

The application does not have access to Outlook to centrally set the signature, while each employee can download their e-mail signature in HTML format and put a unified signature on their own in Outlook.

Do I need to complete the data in Google Workspace or in gSignature?

There are two options for filling in employee data: You can upload the csv file directly to the gSignature app (in the “Employees” tab) or fill in the data manually in Google Workspace. The app has the ability to log each change and update signatures accordingly when the data in Google Workspace changes.

How can the application be tested?

Simply sign up for a test account, by registering on our page.

Template Library
Are the templates presented free?

Both the templates presented in the library on the product page and in the library in the application can be used by every customer without restrictions.

Can I customize the selected template for my business?

So everyone has the right to adapt the selected project or several to their company, we do not impose any restrictions on the use of the graphics shared in the library.

We need to redo the selected template, but I don't know html what can I do?

You can ask someone who is coding in html, such as an external web designer or developer. The e-mail signatures in the library are already encoded in html so any modifications will require not much work. If you do not have such a person at hand, you can contact us and we will be happy to help you adapt the project to your requirements. You can use for this contact form

Can I order an individual design customized for our company?

Yes, we prepare individual projects for many clients. Send us your current project or guidelines using this form and we will prepare a quote for you. Remember that with us you will always receive coding for html already in the price of the project. Projects start at 80 USD net.

How long does it take to prepare an individual template and how much does it cost?

The preparation of an individual template by the designer and in fact 2-3 alternatives takes up to 5 working days then within 2 working days it is coded into html. Finally, within a week you will receive your finished signature. If you are interested, please contact us via this form. Cost per template starts 80 USD net.

How is the payment settled?

Payment is made at the end of each month, in monthly billing periods. In case of using the services in the partial billing period, the fee will be charged proportionally.

How are fees charged?

The fee is charged for each user for whom the customer has not used the option to exclude the email address from the central update with signatures. VAT will be added to the price.

What is the payment term?

The deadline for payment is 14 days, from the date of the invoice. Invoices will be sent in electronic form - to the email address indicated in the order. In case of delay in the payment of remuneration by the client, interest in the amount of statutory interest will be charged.

Is it possible and when to terminate the service?

Termination of the services indicated in the offer must be made with a notice period of 30 days. Effective at the end of the month. Termination can be sent via email (document form) by an authorized representative of the customer.

We reserve that the termination of the services referred to in the offer does not mean the termination of other services that you have ordered through us or through the Partner. The termination of other services that you have ordered through the Partner also does not mean the termination of the services indicated in this offer.

Can the provider terminate the service?

We have the right to terminate the service specified in the offer with immediate effect, in particular in the case of:
a) violation by the customer of the terms of use of the gSignature service
b) more than 14 days' arrears in the payment of remuneration by the client
c) discontinue the provision of services by the gSignature provider.

Partner channel
How do I become a gSignature Partner?

If you have customers with more than 100 Google Workspace uers in your portfolio - apply by filling out this form. The Partner Channel Manager will contact you. He will propose an introductory meeting and present the terms and documents of the partnership agreement. After signing the partnership agreement, we begin cooperation and you can actively sell gSignature to your customers.

What does the gSignature partner earn?

Partners earn money in several ways. The most important is regular receipts in the form of 30% of subscriptions sold. The partner can also provide services for system configuration and implementation as well as the preparation of signature templates. There are also partners who place the care of the gSignature system as part of the higher technical support packages.

Do I have to sign a partnership agreement to become a partner?

Yes, the partnership agreement is mandatory and signed by both parties through the DocuSign electronic signature system.

Can I sell the system under my own brand or do you offer a white label model?

Unfortunately no, our system is sold under one gSignature brand for all customers and by all partners

How are accesses to the system, sold by a partner, accounted for?

Each access to the system sold by a partner is visible in their partner account, where the number of all customer accounts in Google Workspace and the number of active accounts in gSignature are displayed. At the end of each month, active gSignature accounts, used by partner customers, are counted. Based on this number, the partner invoices its customers in full, for subscriptions. At the same time, gSignature also issues an invoice to the Partner for the margins from sold access to gSignature.

What is the payment term for gSignature - for access to the platform and what is the billing cycle?

The payment term for invoices issued with gSignature to the partner is 30 days and billing cycles are monthly.