Signature analytics in gSignature

Activate signature tracking

  1. Create a new signature or edit an existing one: Go to the signature management section.
  2. Enable tracking: Check the “Enable click tracking” option for the selected signature.
  3. Save changes: Confirm changes to activate tracking.

Access to analytics data

  1. Analytics panel: Find a dedicated analytics panel in your gSignature profile.
  2. Select Signature: Select a specific signature to see detailed statistics.
  3. Analyze data: View data on link clicks, popularity of signature elements and other relevant metrics.

What can you analyze?

  • Link clicks: See which links in your signature are most frequently clicked (e.g., product pages, contact forms, social media profiles).
  • Element popularity: Evaluate which signature elements (e.g., logos, banners, headlines) attract the most attention from your audience.
  • Performance of different signatures: Compare the performance of different signatures to identify the most effective solutions.

How to interpret the data?

  • Optimize links: If any link is particularly frequently clicked, consider placing it more prominently.
  • Customize content: Based on click-through data, adjust your signature content to make it more effective.
  • Test different variations: Experiment with different versions of the signature to find the optimal solution.


  • Check your data regularly: Keep track of the results to react quickly to changes.
  • Use data to make decisions: Make informed decisions about your communications based on data analysis


With Signature Analytics in gSignature, you'll gain valuable information about how your messages are received.Use this potential to increase the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and build stronger relationships with your customers.

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