How to design a bulletproof e-mail signature that works on all email clients?

Tips and tricks

July 30, 2024

Why should you care about the versatility of your email signature?

  • Professional image: A consistent and good-looking signature reinforces trust in your company.
  • Ease of reading: A legible signature makes it easy to contact you.
  • Communication on multiple devices: Your signature should look good on both a computer and a smartphone.

How to create a universal e-mail signature?

1. Minimalism is key:

  • Limit the number of elements: Too many graphic elements can cause display problems on some email clients.
  • Choose a readable font: Avoid ornate fonts that can render poorly.
  • Use simple colors: Contrasting colors make it easier to read.

2. Use variables:

  • Userthumbnail variable: This variable allows you to dynamically insert your profile picture. You can define its width and roundness to suit your preferences. And when the photo is missing because some employees don't have one, it's no problem. By using the userthumbnail variable, the missing photo will be automatically filled by the rest of the signature.
  • Other variables: check the gSignature documentation to learn about other available variables that you can use to personalize your e-mail signature.

3. Test on different email clients:

  • Test your signature: test on your own mail client or contact us. We will send your email for you to dozens of different mailboxes (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.) and check how your signature looks and help you improve it for free.

  • We pay attention to:some text
    • The layout of the elements: Are all elements in place?
    • Colors: Are the colors displayed correctly?
    • Fonts: Are the fonts legible?
    • Images: Are the images displayed correctly?

4. Use the gSignature tools:

  • HTML Editor: With the HTML editor, you can precisely control the appearance of your e-mail signatures.
  • Templates: Use ready-made templates that are already optimized for different email clients.

Use these tips to create bulletproof e-mail signatures that will represent your company in the best light.

Want to learn more? Check out our documentation:

Or contact us, we can help you with everything: