How do you create an email signature that looks great on a mobile device?


August 20, 2024

Why is mobile signature responsiveness important?

  • Professional image: Whether the recipient is reading your message on a computer or a smartphone, your signature should make a good impression.
  • Better readability: A well-designed signature is easy to read, even on a small screen.
  • Higher conversions: If your signature is attractive and readable, more recipients will click on the links in it.

How to create a mobile-friendly email signature?

  • Minimalism: Avoid too many graphic elements and long texts. Focus on the most important information.
  • Readable fonts: Choose fonts that are easy to see on small screens, such as sans-serif.
  • Proper sizing: Make sure all signature elements are properly scaled and do not extend beyond the frame of the screen.
  • Optimize images: Images should be lightweight and load quickly. Avoid large image files.
  • Dark mode images: Dark mode can make your head spin. Make sure your signature graphics still look good against a dark background after reversing black and white. Tools such as Litmus or Mail on Acid will allow you to test this on different device variants.
  • Testing: always test how your signature looks on different devices and in different email clients.

What to avoid in an email signature for mobile devices?

  • Large images: They can slow down message loading and look unsightly on small screens.
  • Too many colors: Too colorful a signature can distract the recipient.
  • Complex layouts: Avoid complex layouts that can become deformed on smaller screens.

What tools can help you?

Tools like gSignature make it easy to create email signatures that are fully responsive. What possibilities this offers:

  • Add and remove: Creating a signature is simple and intuitive.
  • Live preview: See how your signature will look to the recipient.
  • Profile photo optimization: The tool automatically optimizes the insertion of the employee's profile photo. If it is missing, the signature automatically scales to a version without a photo.

Your email signature is the business card of your company. To ensure a professional image, it's a good idea to make it readable and attractive on all devices. With a few simple tricks, you can create a signature that looks great on both a computer and a smartphone.

Want to learn more about how to create a mobile-friendly email signature? Check out our documentation or contact us and we will take care of your signature.