How can your email signature increase traffic to your site?


August 16, 2024

Why is an email signature important for traffic generation?

  • Always on hand: your signature accompanies every message, regardless of the subject line.
  • Large audience: If you have active correspondence, your signature will be seen by hundreds or even thousands of people multiplied by a few hundred or a few thousand employees in the company gives a huge scale
  • Low cost: Creating and maintaining a professional signature does not require a lot of money.
  • High effectiveness: a well-designed signature can significantly increase traffic to your site.

How to create an email signature that increases website traffic?

  • Minimalism: Avoid overloading your signature with too much information. Focus on the most important elements.
  • Consistency: Use a color scheme and graphic style that is consistent with your company's visual identity.
  • Readability: Choose fonts that are easy to read and avoid sizes that are too small.
  • Call to action: Always add a clear call to action, e.g. in vendor signatures, such as “Make an appointment for a free consultation,” “Download a free e-book,” “Request a quote.”
  • Linking: Place links to the most important pages of your site, such as your homepage, blog or offer. You can also highlight the content through an additional sub-linked banner.
  • Social media: Add icons for your social media profiles to encourage your audience to follow you.
  • Timeliness: Update your signature regularly so that it is always up to date, e.g. using a campaign-like approach by periodically replacing the signature template or changing banners.

What links to include in your signature?

  • Home page: This is the obvious choice, but be sure to phrase the link in a way that encourages clicking, such as “Visit our website.”
  • Latest blog: If you have a blog, a link to your latest posts can attract the attention of people interested in your industry.
  • Offer page: If you want to promote a specific product or service, link directly to an offer page.
  • Contact page: Encourage your audience to contact you by linking to a contact form or phone number. Linking phone numbers is especially important if you read the message on a mobile device you can immediately contact an employee the number that is linked with the prefix tel: is automatically substituted for dialing on the phone keypad.
  • Landing page with promotion: If you are running some kind of marketing campaign, you can direct your audience to a dedicated landing page. Such a link should then be placed under the banner, for example, with a subtle animation in the form of a gif.

What tools can help you?

Tools such as gSignature allow you to easily create professional and personalized email signatures. With them you can:

  • Create different templates: Customize signatures for different recipients and situations.
  • Manage multiple users: Ensure consistency of your entire company's branding across both primary addresses, aliases and groups used.
  • Analyze effectiveness: Track which signature elements are most effective.

Email signature is an often underestimated marketing tool that can significantly impact traffic to your site. With the right design and use, you can increase brand awareness, generate leads and build lasting relationships with customers.

Want to learn more about how to use email signatures to promote your business? Check out our documentation or contact us!