The best employee signature is one with up-to-date data.
We believe that the best signature is one that contains up-to-date employee and company data. With us you can always have the best signature.
Synchronization with Google Workspace
Organized data in one place: position, contact numbers, supervisor, etc.
Export and import employee data from a CSV file
Intuitive interface for employee data collection
In our system, each employee receives a file with information that can be presented in the e-mail signature. If you don't have full data in Google Workspace then no problem - you can import it in bulk from a CSV file. The IT administrator or authorized persons from other departments can manage employee data, as well as data representing the company's image.
Automatic synchronization with Google Workspace
Changes made in the Google Workspace admin console are immediately visible in employee signatures. Each new position added to Google Workspace and its email address, will receive a default signature set by the administrator.
Marketing tool
Marketing employees as well as others interested in promoting content related to the offer, or directly to the company's image, can independently change employees' signatures or signature elements, such as updating everyone's banner, referring to the latest campaign or award that the company has received. Clicks on this type of content are specifically marked and reported.
Safety our top priority
The gSignature customers' data is stored on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) servers. In addition, we ourselves make the utmost effort to make every customer feel safe with us. We work with sensitive data, which is the data employees present themselves with in their email signatures. Our tool is trusted by both IT administrators who work with Google Workspace and employees who can update their signature on their own.
Highlight your professionalism - email signature audit eng
With in-depth analysis and suggested corrections, you will clean up your signature with us. Graphics will be properly aligned and sized to the company's standards, and the whole thing will be coded so that the signature looks good on every mail customer. The result is a more professional look and better consistency with your brand image. This is a perfect example of how precise changes can significantly improve the perception of email communications. Take a look at the example opposite.
Template library
At gSignature, there are free templates that you can customize as you like for your business. See sample designs or contact us to have us design a unique creation for you.
Do you need an individual template? Order it from us
Do you need an individual email signature template for your company or selected department? You have come to the right place, our team of graphic designers will prepare a suitable creation for you and our coders will prepare its HTML code. Order a project for yourself. Prices from 80 USD net per project.